Conference Papers Year : 2024

The CollabScore project – From Optical Recognition to Multimodal Music Sources


We introduce COLLABSCORE, a project funded by the French National Research Agency, devoted to the design and production of tools and methods to improve accesses to large collections of sheet music scans. The new optical music recognition (OMR) approach developed in COLLABSCORE is part of a larger goal, namely that of interlinking multimodal documents related to music works. In this perspective, the music notation obtained from the OMR process is seen as a pivot that associates related fragments of images, audio, video, XML, or text sources. As an application of this principle, COLLABSCORE supports the synchronization of sources, leveraging the raw content of digital libraries with listening and visualization experiences. The present paper introduces the project and exposes some of its current achievements.
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Christophe Guillotel-Nothmann, Philippe Rigaux, Bertrand B. Coüasnon, Mathieu Giraud, Aurélie Lemaitre. The CollabScore project – From Optical Recognition to Multimodal Music Sources. WoRMS 2024: 6th International Workshop on Reading Music Systems, Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza; Alexander Pacha; Elona Shatri, Nov 2024, Online, France. pp.33-37, ⟨10.48550/arXiv.2411.15741⟩. ⟨hal-04925968⟩
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