The Ayiti-séismes platform monitors in real time the seismicity occurring in Haiti. To do so, it uses data from 20 Raspberry Shake stations, low-cost seismic stations installed at hosts in Haiti, but also data from stations belonging to seismological networks in neighboring countries. Since its start in August 2019, Ayiti-seismes has located ~4000 earthquakes on the Haitian territory, including the Nippes earthquake, Mw 7.2 on August 14, 2021 and its aftershocks. The platform has highlighted several swarms of seismicity, triggered by the Nippes earthquake, one on land, near the cities of Miragoâne and Anse-à-Veau, another at sea, north of the city of Jérémie. The observed swarms are associated with activation of fault systems distinct from the Enriquillo Fault and present additional hazards for estimating seismic risk in the southern peninsula of Haiti.
La plateforme Ayiti-séismes permet de localiser en temps réel la sismicité qui se produit en Haïti. Pour cela, elle utilise les données de 20 stations Raspberry Shake, stations sismiques à bas coût, installées chez des hébergeurs en Haïti, mais aussi les données provenant de stations appartenant à des réseaux sismologiques des pays limitrophes. Depuis son démarrage en août 2019, Ayiti-séismes a localisé ~4000 séismes sur le territoire haïtien, dont le séisme de Nippes, Mw 7,2 du 14 août 2021 et ses répliques. La plateforme a mis en évidence plusieurs essaims de sismicité, déclenchés par le séisme de Nippes, dont l'un à terre, proche des villes de Miragoâne et Anse-à-Veau, un autre en mer, au nord de la ville de Jérémie. Les essaims observés sont associés à l'activation de systèmes de failles distincts de la faille d'Enriquillo et présentent des aléas additionnels pour l'estimation du risque sismique dans la Péninsule du sud en Haïti.
ABSTRACT. The Ayiti-séismes platform monitors in real time the seismicity occurring in Haiti. To do so, it uses data from 20 Raspberry Shake stations, low-cost seismic stations installed at hosts in Haiti, but also data from stations belonging to seismological networks in neighboring countries. Since its start in August 2019, Ayiti-seismes has located ~4000 earthquakes on the Haitian territory, including the Nippes earthquake, Mw 7.2 on August 14, 2021 and its aftershocks. The platform has highlighted several swarms of seismicity, triggered by the Nippes earthquake, one on land, near the cities of Miragoâne and Anse-à-Veau, another at sea, north of the city of Jérémie. The observed swarms are associated with activation of fault systems distinct from the Enriquillo Fault and present additional hazards for estimating seismic risk in the southern peninsula of Haiti