Journal Articles International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow Year : 2024

High-fidelity simulation of turbulent mixed convection in pipe flow


— publicly accessible database of various turbulence statistics/budgets is set up.
— Two different turbulent solutions obtained for identical flow parameters are studied.
— Budgets of the Reynolds stress and turbulent heat flux components are assessed.
Direct Numerical Simulations are performed to provide a fine description of the turbulent mixed convection flow in an upward heated pipe. The introduction of buoyancy forces in this type of flow gives rise to different non-trivial phenomena such as laminarisation and a bi-stable behaviour, capable of modifying the flow characteristics in a deep and non-monotonic way. The present work aims therefore to establish a high-fidelity and publicly accessible database , containing first and second-order accurate turbulence statistics, as well as budgets of various one-point correlations of turbulent quantities, namely the turbulent kinetic energy and its associated dissipation rate, the temperature variance and its associated dissipation rate, the Reynolds stress tensor and the turbulent heat flux vector. Besides, the coexistence of two and very distinct statistically stationary solutions for a same set of flow parameters is also investigated. These two states are referred to as weak- and strong-turbulence regimes. The budget analyses performed here, such as the original ones presented for the budgets of the Reynolds stresses, contribute to gaining further understanding of the physics of mixed convection flows. The results issued from the present study shall also support the validation of lower-fidelity numerical models, such as Large Eddy Simulation, RANS and hybrid RANS/LES approaches.
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Sunday, November 15, 2026
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Sunday, November 15, 2026
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hal-04784379 , version 1 (15-11-2024)




Rodrigo Vicente Cruz, Cédric Flageul, Eric Lamballais, Vladimir Duffal, Erwan Le Coupanec, et al.. High-fidelity simulation of turbulent mixed convection in pipe flow. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2024, 110, pp.109640. ⟨10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2024.109640⟩. ⟨hal-04784379⟩
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