Collective interest and universalism of international labour organisation norms
Interes kolektywny i uniwersalizm norm międzynarodowej organizacji pracy
The creation of the International Labour Organisation in 1919 led to the creation of a ‘world order’ based on a set of values presented as universal. Today, it mobilises not only the figure of the worker, but also that of the person or Man. The reference to human rights is - like the reference to the worker a century ago - so many categories of thought structuring representations of a certain world order. One of the challenges for the ILO is certainly its ability to think in terms of social justice, while at the same time being the bearer of a social model whose universality cannot be postulated. Being able to take into account the existence of non-institutionalised forms of collective solidarity, so as to enable peoples not to subordinate their own culture, is certainly the main challenge of the forthcoming centenary.