Feasibility, conditions, and opportunities for achieving net-negative emissions in the global cement industry
Negative emissions compensate for hard-to-abate residual emissions and are necessary to achieve carbon neutrality. They can be brought from technologies such as direct air capture (DAC), or bioenergy combined with CCS (BECCS) for instance. In the power sector, BECCS was proved to be a very promising technology according to the studies attempting to explore the future decarbonization of the global economy. In this study, we explore the potential of the cement industry to achieve decarbonization through various measures and assess the potential for negative emissions. With the TIAM-FR model, we employ a cost-optimal bottom-up approach to analyze the technical feasibility of decarbonizing the global cement industry. We conclude that combining bioenergy and carbon capture in the cement industry is efficient as it results in generating more negative emissions than necessary to decarbonize the cement industry.