Poster De Conférence Année : 2023

Social media mirrors public sentiment on volcanic crisis: case of the Ambae2017-2018 event


Volcanic eruptions usually generate a great deal of public interest and through the social media webplatform, individuals can communicate, share information, express concerns, complain and evenacknowledge actions related to volcanic events. From September 2017 to August 2018, Vanuatuexperienced its most challenging volcanic crises since independence in 1980. In an attempt to understandhow this major volcanic crisis was reflected in social media, we analysed the messages, images and videosposted in "Yumi toktok street (YTS) "throughout the period of the eruptive event. YTS is the most popularFacebook group in Vanuatu, with over 128,000 members, and was the main platform where the publicfollowed the main eruption event in Ambae. A total of 214 posts from 111 separate identities werecollected from 6 September 2017 to 28 November 2018.The first observation that emerges from this work is the presence of episodes of high numbers of posts thatcoincide with the different phases of the eruptive event. The results further highlight the progressive loss ofinterest in this year-long eruption, contrasting with the increase in intensity of the eruption and subsequentstronger impacts. Detailed analyses reveal that the most commented messages mainly describe negativeissues related to the eruption, while the most appreciated messages, although less commented, describepositive actions related to the crisis. If we consider the post-life, i.e. the time between the date of the postand the date of the last comment or like, discussions on custom beliefs, institutional decisions anddonations top the list with 375 days, 368 days and 300 days respectively. The influence of social mediaduring the Ambae volcano crisis remains to be fully investigated, but it is not non-existent.
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Dates et versions

hal-04663448 , version 1 (28-07-2024)


  • HAL Id : hal-04663448 , version 1


Maëlle Calandra, Philipson Bani, Dan Tari, Christy Haruel. Social media mirrors public sentiment on volcanic crisis: case of the Ambae2017-2018 event. IAVCEI 2023 Scientific Assembly, Jan 2023, Rotorua, New Zealand. . ⟨hal-04663448⟩
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