COVID-19: What has been its impact on cooperation between health and medico-social actors?
COVID-19 : quelles répercussions sur la coopération entre les acteurs du soin et de l’accompagnement ?
Introduction: During the COVID-19 health crisis, the official mechanisms of democracy in health, partnership, and participation were undermined. However, mechanisms that were less visible at the institutional level developed, driven by actors in the field.
Purpose of the research: This article aims to better understand the impacts of the epidemic on partnerships in health and in situations of disability during the period 2020–2021
Results: The participants’ responses (study 1) and narrative (study 2) were analyzed using the lexical analysis software Iramuteq. The results show that while the pandemic revealed difficulties in terms of cooperation between the health and medico-social fields, it also brought to light new operations between the actors and initiatives fostering creativity.
Conclusions: These results support the idea of a paradigm shift involving the recognition of the plurality of knowledge at work in the relationship between users, professionals, and decision makers.