ACTRIS PPP D3.3: 5-year ACTRIS Financial plan, including stakeholder recommendation on financial integration
This document contains an initial estimation of the first 5-year Financial Plan for the ACTRIS ERIC for theyears 2020 – 2024. It describes the aim and structure of the financial plan providing details on theframework and process adopted to prepare the indicative budget for the first five years of the ResearchInfrastructure (RI), which was included in the annex II of the Statutes submitted for the European ResearchInfrastructure Consortium (ERIC) Step 1 application.During the 5th Interim ACTRIS Council (IAC) meeting, the IAC country delegates approved the main guidingprinciples for the funding model to ensure the RI financial sustainability. During the 6th IAC meeting, IACcountry delegates started discussions about the specific rules for the calculation of the ACTRIS ERICmembers’, permanent observers’ and observers’ contributions to support the ACTRIS operations. The 5-year financial plan for the ERIC Step 1 was drawn up following the arrangements of the Council delegates,pending their decisions on the definitive rules for calculating the contributions of the Members,Permanent Observers and Observers.In the end, the definitive calculation method of Members’, Permanent Observers’ and Observers’contributions, which will be laid down in the ACTRIS ERIC Internal Financial Rules (IFR), will be used todraw up the updated 5-year Financial Plan to be submitted for the European Research InfrastructureConsortium (ERIC) Step 2 application.