Journal Articles Advanced Materials Year : 2022

Reversal of Anomalous Hall Effect and Octahedral Tilting in SrRuO3 Thin Films via Hydrogen Spillover

Hyeon Han
Hua Zhou
Manuel Valvidares
Arpit Sharma
  • Function : Author
Yan Li
Ankit Sharma
  • Function : Author
Ilya Kostanovskiy
  • Function : Author
Arthur Ernst
Stuart Parkin


Abstract The perovskite SrRuO 3 (SRO) is a strongly correlated oxide whose physical and structural properties are strongly intertwined. Notably, SRO is an itinerant ferromagnet that exhibits a large anomalous Hall effect (AHE) whose sign can be readily modified. Here, a hydrogen spillover method is used to tailor the properties of SRO thin films via hydrogen incorporation. It is found that the magnetization and Curie temperature of the films are strongly reduced and, at the same time, the structure evolves from an orthorhombic to a tetragonal phase as the hydrogen content is increased up to ≈0.9 H per SRO formula unit. The structural phase transition is shown, via in situ crystal truncation rod measurements, to be related to tilting of the RuO 6 octahedral units. The significant changes observed in magnetization are shown, via density functional theory (DFT), to be a consequence of shifts in the Fermi level. The reported findings provide new insights into the physical properties of SRO via tailoring its lattice symmetry and emergent physical phenomena via the hydrogen spillover technique.
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Han et al. - 2023 - Reversal of Anomalous Hall Effect and Octahedral Tilting in SrRuO3 Thin Films via Hydrogen Spillover.pdf (4) Télécharger le fichier
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hal-04592825 , version 1 (18-10-2024)



Hyeon Han, Hua Zhou, Charles Guillemard, Manuel Valvidares, Arpit Sharma, et al.. Reversal of Anomalous Hall Effect and Octahedral Tilting in SrRuO3 Thin Films via Hydrogen Spillover. Advanced Materials, 2022, 35 (3), ⟨10.1002/adma.202207246⟩. ⟨hal-04592825⟩
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