Oral microbiota and health in athletes: A comprehensive overview
Microbiote oral et santé bucco-dentaire des sportifs : revue narrative
The study of the microbiota has grown significantly with the advent and democratization of sequencing technologies. The oral cavity hosts the second most diverse microbiota in the human body. In healthy individuals, the composition of the oral microbiota is stable, but disruption of its balance can lead to the development of oral or systemic pathologies under certain factors, including physical activity. Professional athletes are exposed to a specific lifestyle that combines changes in the immune system, chronic stress, specific diets, sugar consumption during exercise and/or an increased risk of oral trauma. Intense sporting activity therefore has an impact on oral and dental health. However, there is currently a paucity of data on oral microbiota in athletes. After describing the oral microbiota, the aim of this article is to review the current state of knowledge on the relationship between oral microbiota health and performance.