Introduction. EU Digital Policies and Politics
In this introduction to the special issue we coordinated, we scrutinize the modes of regulation employed and the actors involved in shaping the European Union (EU) digital regulations. By considering the principles and values, the instruments of public policy and key stakeholders, we seek to comprehensively understand the multifaceted landscape of EU digital politics. In doing so, we aim to contribute to a nuanced and insightful analysis of the EU's role in the ever-evolving digital realm. Before delving into the five articles comprising this special issue and elucidating their contributions to a research agenda aimed at deciphering the central tensions within EU digital regulation, we expound upon their defining and distinctive characteristics. We start by revisiting the origins of such policies, shedding light on the trajectory and controversies that have shaped EU digital regulation. Subsequently, we address the intriguing combination of fragmentation and transversality of EU digital regulation. Finally, we highlight how EU digital regulation is a microcosm encapsulating tensions between the national and global domains, thus necessitating further exploration.