Public Value Capture of Increasing Property Values across Europe
La captation par le secteur public de l'augmentation des valeurs foncières en Europe
The shortage of financial resources is a global problem. Coming out of the economic and financial crisis, countries as well as municipalities have decreasing means to fulfil all their public commitments. This report provides options to solve this highly topical problem.
Public value capture is essential to improve the refinancing of public infrastructure to keep the necessary budget for important duties like education and health care. For this reason, it is one of the key factors of responsible land management and smart tools are needed for a successful implementation (Hendricks 2020). In literature, a wide agreement exists on capturing value from infrastructure improvements and public
services. Although it raises political opposition, the same occurs with the value from changes in land use regulations (Fernandez Milan et. al. 2016).
Much can be learned from approaches in different countries. However, a “one-size-fits-allapproach” should be avoided. Planning systems, cultures and operating contexts vary considerably in terms of their national characteristics, political goals, administrative and legal arrangements, cross-scalar state interactions and influences and the relative strength of different state, market and civil interests and actors (Peel 2018). The optimal tool box
has to be adapted to country specific circumstances (Hendricks 2020). However, some general considerations can be given concerning obstacles and improvement of implementation of tools of public value capture.
These considerations are the result of our COST Action Public Value Capture of Increasing Property Values as well as literature review.
"France", pp. 43-48
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