Journal Articles Recherches en Didactique des Langues et Cultures - Les Cahiers de l'Acedle Year : 2022

Metacognition as a facilitator for the integration of informal learning in a self-guided learning environment.

La métacognition au service de l’intégration des apprentissages informels dans un dispositif d'autoformation guidée


In the learning environments offered in higher education for the teaching/learning of languages, we observe the emergence of practices that are challenging teaching habits and leading to new models of learning. The learning process that takes place in formal institutional contexts covers only a limited period of life. Given that, to a very large extent, language practice takes place in informal situations, the institution should now take account of these practices, even if it is sometimes difficult to access these 'already there' uses. In our research, we sought to identify the intentions behind the integration of these forms of informal and non-formal learning into a self-directed language learning environment (English and French as a Foreign Language). In other words, do learners make explicit and intentional use of resources from their personal sphere? What place does informal learning take within this system? How do learners choose digital resources and how do they structure the resulting informal activities for their learning? What metacognitive strategies are at work in the appropriation of such forms of learning? This analysis, based on the answers given by the students to a questionnaire, has led to the emergence of a common learning dynamic in which the boundaries between formal and informal learning become blurred and which leads to individual intentional trajectories.

Dates and versions

hal-04463216 , version 1 (16-02-2024)



Annick Rivens Mompean, Martine Eisenbeis. La métacognition au service de l’intégration des apprentissages informels dans un dispositif d'autoformation guidée. Recherches en Didactique des Langues et Cultures - Les Cahiers de l'Acedle, 2022, 20-1 (20-1), ⟨10.4000/rdlc.11389⟩. ⟨hal-04463216⟩
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