This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d Capacity: max_strings=200000, hash_size=200000, hash_prime=170003 The top-level auxiliary file: IFAC_Mechatronics_FINAL_2108.aux Reallocating 'name_of_file' (item size: 1) to 15 items. The style file: elsarticle-num.bst Reallocating 'name_of_file' (item size: 1) to 9 items. Database file #1: ifacconf.bib Warning--entry type for "Sgarbi&Detriche1989" isn't style-file defined --line 531 of file ifacconf.bib Warning--empty pages in ASME_2021 Warning--can't use both volume and number fields in SAmuscle Warning--empty pages in dyn_cont Warning--empty pages in Hamiche Warning--empty pages in bekcheva Warning--empty pages in younes Warning--empty pages in villagra Warning--empty chapter and pages in HamonPhD Warning--empty pages in HamonPhD Warning--empty chapter and pages in feedbacksystems Warning--empty pages in feedbacksystems You've used 30 entries, 2952 wiz_defined-function locations, 874 strings with 11036 characters, and the built_in function-call counts, 8778 in all, are: = -- 760 > -- 290 < -- 6 + -- 116 - -- 86 * -- 595 := -- 1167 add.period$ -- 30 call.type$ -- 30$ -- 30$ -- 6 cite$ -- 41 duplicate$ -- 287 empty$ -- 1083$ -- 111 if$ -- 2325$ -- 0$ -- 30 missing$ -- 33 newline$ -- 98 num.names$ -- 30 pop$ -- 236 preamble$ -- 1 purify$ -- 0 quote$ -- 0 skip$ -- 579 stack$ -- 0 substring$ -- 414 swap$ -- 42 text.length$ -- 4 text.prefix$ -- 0 top$ -- 0 type$ -- 0 warning$ -- 11 while$ -- 56 width$ -- 32 write$ -- 249 (There were 12 warnings)