What We Still Don't Know About Plasmas in Simple Diatomic Gases- or Using a DC Plasma in Pure O2 as an Ideal Test-Bed for Experimental Validation of Simulations
Despite many decades of study, models of discharges in molecular gases still lack accurate data on many key collisional processes, even for such “simple” and ubiquitous gases as O2. Good data is lacking for near-threshold electron-impact dissociation with neutral products, the role of metastables; of gas heating, vibrational excitation and energy transfer processes; as well as surface recombination and thermal accommodation. Direct measurement of the rate constants of individual processes is a fastidious process, where it is even possible. As an alternative approach, we compare comprehensive measurements of internal plasma parameters to simulations for a plasma with relatively simple chemistry, namely a DC positive column discharge in pure O2. This well-characterized, stable and uniform discharge is optimal for experiment-model comparison. Although this system has been studied for a many decades, new experimental methods, including synchrotron Vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy and laser cavity ringdown absorption spectroscopy (CRDS), allow the densities of all the major species (atomic, molecular, in ground and excited states) to be measured, with much-improved absolute accuracy, and with time resolution. The gas translational temperature, and vibrational energy distribution, were also probed. Applied to (partially- and fully-) modulated discharges, these measurements provide unprecedented insight into the kinetic processes occurring, and a profound test of the models. Whereas models can be quite easily adjusted to fit steady state measurements at one given set of operating conditions, trends with pressure and discharge current, and especially the temporal response to current modulation, are much harder to reconcile. In practice, model failures can often be attributed to simple omission of key processes, or to the neglect of their temperature-dependence. If the chemistry studied is simple enough, and the measurements cover all of the principal species (stable molecules in their ground and metastable states, atoms and negative ions) as well as the gas temperature, it becomes possible to identify the missing reactions, and even estimate their rates and activation energies, by adjusting their values in the model to fit the observations. As examples, we have demonstrated that the kinetics of metastable O2 b molecules cannot be modelled without the inclusion of quenching by oxygen atoms with a significant activation energy. We have also demonstrated the production of ozone by the reaction of O2 molecules with oxygen atoms chemisorbed on the glass discharge tube walls.