Designing a database for a classical theatrical chatbot, in: Open and Truster : Reassessing research library values.
The LITTE_BOT project aims to create a theatrical chatbot embodying Dom
Juan for Molière’s 400th anniversary, presented for the exhibition „Molière,
le jeu du vrai et du faux” that the BnF and the Comédie Française devoted
to him in 2022. Initiator of the project, Rocio Berenguer, a playwright,
approached the French National Library (BnF) to recover the corpus for a
literary chatbot. The Gallica Studio project (now closed) encouraged the
reuse of Gallica’s content, while experimenting with emerging technologies.
In this case, exploring voice mediation through chatbots and explaining
it to the public. Researchers Anna Pappa and Samuel Szoniecky (both at
University Paris 8) contributed their scientific expertise to make the chatbot
a reality, in the framework of a call for projects from the Artec university
research school.