Distributed access control solution for the IoT based on multi-endorsed attributes and smart contracts
The ever-growing world of the Internet of Things isyet to agree on an effective and practical access control solution.To overcome challenges such as limited resources, or unreliableconnectivity, a number of schemes offload heavy computationsonto a central entity, thus creating a single point of failure.Our contribution consists in the construction of a dis-tributed attribute-based access control mechanism, relying onthe blockchain technology to dynamically manage multi-endorsedattributes and trust anchors.The originality of our proposal is multifold. First, it is resilientand enables multiple security domains to be integrated in thesame system. Second, it focuses on attributes for their flexibility,expressiveness, user-centricity and to accommodate dynamicrequestors. Third, our attribute endorsement system is open,flexible, scalable and adapted to multiple administrations withoutsacrificing ease of management. Fourth, the final access control decision is taken by the device and only requires local connection to its gateway.