160-GSa/s-and-Beyond 108-GHz-Bandwidth Over-2-V ppd Output-Swing 0.5-μm InP DHBT 2:1 AMUX-Driver for Next-Generation Optical Communications
This letter reports on a 108-GHz bandwidth 0.5- μm InP DHBT analog-multiplexer-driver (AMUX-driver). To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this 2:1 AMUX-driver shows unprecedented 1.9-V ppd 160-GSa/s 160-GBd non-return-to-zero (NRZ) and 2.4-V ppd 100-GSa/s 100-GBd PAM-4 output swings, with very high-quality eye diagrams, without any digital signal processing (DSP) or postprocessing. Up to 3.2 V ppd is obtained in NRZ at 100 GBd. The lumped AMUX-driver also shows record 25.7-dB gain and 2.08-THz gain-bandwidth product with 11.1-dB equalizing capabilities at 86.6 GHz.
Mots clés
Analog multiplexer (AMUX)
double-heterojunction bipolar transistor (DHBT)
four-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM-4)
indium phosphide (InP)
large-swing linear modulator driver
Optical signal processing
Indium phosphide
III-V semiconductor materials
Transmission line measurements
driver circuits
heterojunction bipolar transistors
III-V semiconductors
indium compounds
optical fibre communication