Writing words by hand and by phone: Differences in the timing of orthographic processing
Texting and email writing with smartphones are activities that are done regularly by a very important
proportion of the population. Phonewriting (PW) differs from handwriting (HW) in many ways.
Previous HW research revealed that the orthographic processes modulate movement production
(see APOMI, Kandel, 2023). Do spelling processes also affect hand movements in PW? To answer this
question, we focused on orthographic processing in HW and PW in a spelling-to-dictation task in
French. We manipulated orthographic consistency and length. First, the participant had to write the
words by hand in upper-case letters on a digitizer. One month later, they had to write the words on a
smartphone. We collected data on latency, letter movement duration, errors and online corrections.
The data revealed that the timing of orthographic processing differs between handwriting and
phonewriting. Latencies -i.e., the time before starting to write- were longer in PW than HW. In
contrast, once we start writing the word, the hand movements took longer in HW than PW. Although
PW takes less writing time, errors and online corrections are far more frequent than in HW. Latencies
for orthographically inconsistent words were longer than for consistent words, both in HW and PW.
However, the mean letter duration of orthographically inconsistent words was longer than for
consistent words only in HW but not for PW. Also, inconsistent words elicited a higher number of
phonologically plausible errors than consistent words, in HW and PW.
The impact of the technological progress due to the telephone is to decrease the time we spend
writing but the cognitive cost is that we produce more errors and online corrections. Regarding
orthographic processing, HW and PW are very different. In PW most of the central processing is done
before starting to write. In HW, spelling processes start before movement initiation but are still
active while we write. This modulates movement production.