Preprints, Working Papers, ... Year : 2023

Orbital Angular Momentum entanglement by Spontaneous Four Wave Mixing realized in a vapor by vortex beams of same handedness


Spontaneous Four Wave Mixing (SFWM) carried out in a vapor by two optical vortex beams is analyzed in the case of same handedness input orbital angular momenta. We show that the generated pair of waves carries orbital angular momenta whose entanglement strongly depends on the chosen four-levels atomic scheme, asymmetric or not. The illustration is done with two schemes of rubidium. In addition based on a theory-experiment comparison we show that the output is a partially coherent superposition of modes preserving the entanglement.
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hal-04306168 , version 1 (24-11-2023)


  • HAL Id : hal-04306168 , version 1


Myrann Baker-Rasooli, Laurence Pruvost. Orbital Angular Momentum entanglement by Spontaneous Four Wave Mixing realized in a vapor by vortex beams of same handedness. 2023. ⟨hal-04306168⟩
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