Exploring Innovative Pathway for SRF Cavity Fabrication
This article shows a study on an alternative pathway for the fabrication of a complete 1.3 GHz SRF cavity, aiming at improving production reliability, reducing the use of chemical polishing (EP or BCP) which is a costly and safety-critical step, and preserving surface quality after forming. Unlike the conventional pathway, the fabrication process is performed after polishing. This point is crucial as the used polishing technology could be applied only to flat geometries. The performed investigation demonstrates that damages during the fabrication process are considered minor, localized, and limited to the near-surface. Moreover, these studies confirm that the damaged layer (100-200 µm) is mainly caused by the rolling process, and not by the subsequent fabrication steps. A laser confocal microscope and SEM-EBSD technique were used to compare samples before and after forming. The preliminary results are discussed and presented in this paper.