Resonant screening in dense and magnetized QCD matter
We calculate the Debye screening mass in thermal, dense and magnetized QCD matter in the frame of resummed perturbation theory. In the limit of zero temperature, when the Landau energy level and Fermi surface of quarks match each other $\mu_q^2=2n|qB|$, where $q$, $\mu_q$ and $B$ are respectively the quark electric charge, chemical potential and external magnetic field, the screening mass diverges and the system is in the state of weakly interacting parton gas, which is very different from the known result of strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma at high temperature. The divergence disappears in thermal medium, but the screening mass oscillates with clear peaks at the matched magnetic field.
Mots clés
quantum chromodynamics, matter
mass, screening
magnetic field, external field
mass, screening, Debye
temperature, high
temperature, 0
charge, electric
quark, Fermi surface
potential, chemical
parton, gas
parton, interaction
quark gluon, plasma
quark gluon, interaction
energy levels
perturbation theory