"'The Life, the Truth and the Straight Way am I' (Par. 14.20): Roads and Paths in Nonnus of Panopolis’ Paraphrasis of John’s Gospel"
« Je suis la vie, la vérité et le droit chemin (Par. 14.20) : Routes et chemins dans la Paraphrase de Saint Jean »
From the aether – God’s realm – to man’s earth, from the lush Galilean Cana to Jerusalem where the will of God will take place and the main events unfold, through Bethany and its case of resurrection, Jesus walks, travels, treads. Never still, he “leads the heavenly chariot upon earth” (Par. 1.132), embodiment of the link between the Father’s divine world and that of the mortals. The double motif of the road (in every form or shape) and of those who tread it is omnipresent in Nonnus of Panopolis’ Paraphrasis nd clearly essential to the understanding of the poem. It gives rhythm to the narration through the numerous movements; it plays a big part in the definition of the interactions between narrative agents – who, for the most part, are characterized depending on whether they follow and share the road opened by and embodied in Jesus or whether they move away from, even oppose it. Last but not least, the motif is also crucial from a poetical point of view since it is one of the places where Nonnus’ lexical diversity and poetic inventiveness are the most evident, giving to the banal meta-poetical image of the road as a symbol of poetry a new
breath. Thus, the hexametric rewriting of the evangelic prose becomes a road in itself, both a new poetical channel for the sacred word which must travel and a new exegetical path.