Tadpoles and Gauge Symmetries
The tadpole conjecture proposes that complex structure moduli stabilisation by fluxes that have low tadpole charge can be realised only at special points in moduli space, leading generically to (large) gauge symmetries. Here we provide an exhaustive survey of the gauge symmetries arising in F-theory flux compactifications on products of attractive $\mbox{K3}$ surfaces, with complex structure moduli fully stabilised. We compute the minimal rank of the left-over non-abelian gauge group for all flux configurations within the tadpole bound, finding that it is always non-zero. It decreases in a roughly linear fashion with the tadpole charge, reaching zero at charge 30. By working out possible gauge algebras for different values of the tadpole, we find that all simple ADE Lie algebras of rank $\le 18$ appear.