Raw and post-processed data for the study of prosodic cues to word boundaries in a segmentation task using reverse correlation
The current dataset provides all the stimuli (folder ../01-Stimuli/), raw data (folder ../02-Raw-data/) and post-processed data (../03-Post-proc-data/) used in a prosody reverse correlation study with the title "prosodic cues to word boundaries in a segmentation task using reverse correlation" by the same authors. The listening experiment was implemented using one-interval trials with target words of the structure l'aX (option 1) and la'X (option 2). The experiment was designed and implemented using the fastACI toolbox under the name 'segmentation'. A between-subject design was used with a total of 47 participants, who evaluated one of five conditions, LAMI (N=16), LAPEL (N=18), LACROCH (N=5), LALARM (N=5), and LAMI_SHIFTED (N=3). More details are given in the related publication (to be submitted to JASA-EL in May 2023).