Final scenarios for multimodal traffic management
The problem addressed by ORCHESTRA is that traffic caused by transport has many negative effects. There are congestions, delays, emissions and negative impacts on urban environments, and in case of disruptions, there may be huge consequences on the efficiency and timeliness. These challenges are hard to handle due to lack of coordination and collaboration between the different transport modes.
The long-term vision of ORCHESTRA is a future where it is easy to coordinate and synchronise the traffic management of all modes to cope with diverse demands and situations. The overall objective of ORCHESTRA is to provide European policy makers, public authorities, transport providers and citizens with new knowledge and technical and organisational solutions to enhance collaboration and synchronising of operations within and across transport modes.
The project will:
- Establish a common understanding of multimodal traffic management concepts and solutions, within and across different modes, for various stakeholders and multiple contexts
- Define a Multimodal Traffic Management Ecosystem (MTME) where traffic managements in different modes and areas (rural and urban) are coordinated to contribute to a more balanced and resilient transport system, bridging current barriers and silos
- Support MTME realisation and deployments, through the provision of tools, models, and guidelines – including the integration of connected and automated vehicles and vessels (CAVs)
- Validate and adjust MTME for organisational issues, functionality, capability and usability
- Maximise outreach and uptake of project results through strong stakeholder involvement
ORCHESTRA's main advancements beyond state-of-the-art are related to four focus areas:
- MTME facilitated by: 1) a Polycentric Multimodal Architecture (PMA) specifying how systems collaborate. 2) Flexible organizational and business models. 3) Simulation and training tools. 4) Policy and regulatory recommendations. 5) data governance and sharing framework
- Traffic orchestration supporting optimal traffic flows, adapted to current and foreseen situations and societal aspects. Real Time data on ongoing and planned transports as well as other issues that may affect the traffic will be monitored and used in decision support and to facilitate resilience
- Coordination across modes and networks bridging current silos, ensuring best possible utilisation of transport system as a whole
- Traffic management supporting more optimal multimodal transport services and fleet operations, those carried out by CAVs included. Transport operations will be guided and controlled according to pre-defined rules and trade-offs between different optimisation targets.
The project will validate and evaluate the multimodal traffic management concept and related tools in its two Living Labs, both in Norway and Italy, covering freight and person transports across road, rail, water and air.