Digital technologies supporting digitalization: a maturity model to manage their usage risks
Digital technologies in support of digitalization allows organizations to improve their strategic and operational performance, but also harbors risks of security, oversizing or loss of control, among others. While the management of these risks is essential to promote the success of digital transformation, no research offers an integrative framework to help monitor them. This study adopts a design science approach to conceive a maturity model evaluating the risks of using digital technologies. This framework is the initial step towards the supervision of these digital risks to succeed in digital transformation. We relied on an in-depth literature review and an empirical study using a Delphi approach and a focus group with 19 practitioners. Accordingly, we identify three dimensions of risks related to data, stakeholders and technology governance and distinguish them according to each digital technology in the spectrum of SMAC and DARQ technologies. We additionally define a maturity scale to assess these risks and a protocol to implement the maturity model. The paper concludes with its theoretical and practical implications as well as a research agenda.