Low-lying zeros in families of holomorphic cusp forms: the weight aspect
Abstract We study low-lying zeros of L-functions attached to holomorphic cusp forms of level 1 and large even weight. In this family, the Katz–Sarnak heuristic with orthogonal symmetry type was established in the work of Iwaniec, Luo and Sarnak for test functions ϕ satisfying the condition supp$(\widehat \phi) \subset(-2,2)$. We refine their density result by uncovering lower-order terms that exhibit a sharp transition when the support of $\widehat \phi$ reaches the point 1. In particular, the first of these terms involves the quantity $\widehat \phi(1)$ which appeared in the previous work of Fouvry–Iwaniec and Rudnick in symplectic families. Our approach involves a careful analysis of the Petersson formula and circumvents the assumption of the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis (GRH) for higher-degree automorphic L-functions. Finally, when supp$(\widehat \phi)\subset (-1,1)$ we obtain an unconditional estimate which is significantly more precise than the prediction of the L-functions ratios conjecture.