Efficient parallel mesh movement based on fast low rank solvers and local remeshing
We propose in this work a framework dedicated to the movement of rigid bodies inside three dimensional complex geometries which are discretized with conformal unstructured meshes. Several applications can take benefit from this framework such as shape design and Fluid Structure Interactions (FSI) to name a few. This paper will focus on FSI applications. The displacement imposed on the rigid bodies is smoothly interpolated to the mesh elements inside the domain to deform the whole mesh with respect to the prescribed displacement. The mesh movement is part of mesh deformation problems. In this work, Radial Basis Functions (RBF) interpolation method is used to deform the mesh. This algebraic interpolation approach is well known for its robustness, but it is too expensive on large scale meshes. The objectives of this work are twofold: 1-Speeding up the RBF calculations in a large-scale parallel environment. Indeed, the resulting linear system has a good hierarchical matrix structure which is exploited to build a parallel hierarchical low-rank solver to speed up the mesh deformation interpolation. The low-rank approximation is driven by a predefined error tolerance. 2-Combine the RBF computed displacement with local remeshing to prevent mesh invalidity during long term displacements or large deformation. The displacement field is used to predict bad quality elements to be locally remeshed. A metric based on the displacement field is derived to inform the remeshing tool which element is subject to local modification. The remeshing is performed in parallel as well the whole the computation pipeline. Numerical experiments were conducted on numerous 2D and 3D complex geometries with deep analysis on convergence, mesh quality and performance. The results and performance assessments will be presented.