Women's quality of life and mental health in the first year after birth: Associated factors and effects of antenatal preventive measures among mothers in the ELFE cohort
BACKGROUND: During the perinatal period, women's perceived quality of life (QOL) may be altered due to physiological, psychological, and bodily changes, as well as changes in family functioning. OBJECTIVES: to explore in a sample of women from the general population, the associations between physical and mental QOL at 1 year post-partum and i) pregnancy social support, demographic, socioeconomic, medical and child health-related factors, paternal and maternal psychological characteristics at 2 months and 1 year post-partum, ii) antenatal preventive measures (early prenatal interview/antenatal classes). METHODS: We used data from the "French Longitudinal Study since Childhood" (ELFE), a representative cohort of children and their parents followed from birth to adulthood. Data were collected from mothers in the maternity ward, at 2 months and 1-year post-partum. QOL was assessed using the SF12 physical (PCS-12) and mental (MCS-12) subscales. RESULTS: Women with both low PCS-12 and MCS-12 scores were more likely to have high maternal age and to experience psychological difficulties during pregnancy. They also had more frequent PNDS, quarrels with insults within the couple, low sleep time at 2 months postpartum, and more frequently received psychological, social and child caregiver support, and were more often housewives or students at 1-year post-partum. Others factors are specific for low PCS-12 or MCS-12. There was no association with antenatal preventive measure and QOL at 1-year post-partum. CONCLUSION: Factors influencing maternal QOL are multiple and multidimensional and can mostly be identified during the ante or early postnatal period. A graduated and coordinated preventive and curative pathway would improve women's health. An ecosystemic approach to pregnancy and the perinatal period could help preventing the negative effects of environment on mothers and thus infants during the "1000-day period".