Conference Papers Year : 2022

Automated Evaluation of the Game Experience based on Game Dynamics and Motives for Play


This paper describes an automated evaluation of the overall game experience using a synthetic agent, that we contextualize for First-Person Shooter games. This evaluation method is based on the characterization of the game experience through dynamics of major FPS games. We define dynamics as sequences of events that are meaningful for the player during the game session. As they trigger players' emotional responses, and influence their overall enjoyment and motivation, we classify them according to Motives for Play like curiosity, thrill-seeking, problem-solving, victory, and acquisition, in order to facilitate the evaluation process. Based on that, our evaluation method proposes to select synthetic agent routines that target a distinct game experience while playing a game session, using a selection of game dynamics. As the agent navigates through the level and interacts with opponents, dynamics may occur and, if so, are automatically identified, and then classified as Motives for Play. In the end, this classification can be used to evaluate the game experience and the quality of the level itself during playtesting sessions. It may also be utilized to assist the procedural generation of any level that target a specific game experience. CCS Concepts: • Human-centered computing → User models; • Applied computing → Computer games; Psychology.
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hal-03847511 , version 1 (10-11-2022)



Thomas Constant, Guillaume Levieux. Automated Evaluation of the Game Experience based on Game Dynamics and Motives for Play. CHI PLAY '22: The Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, Nov 2022, Bremen, Germany. pp.113-119, ⟨10.1145/3505270.3558343⟩. ⟨hal-03847511⟩
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