This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (TeX Live 2020) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2021.4.16) 23 FEB 2023 13:28 entering extended mode restricted \write18 enabled. %&-line parsing enabled. **bare_conf (./bare_conf.tex LaTeX2e <2020-10-01> patch level 4 L3 programming layer <2021-02-18> (./IEEEtran.cls Document Class: IEEEtran 2015/08/26 V1.8b by Michael Shell -- See the "IEEEtran_HOWTO" manual for usage information. -- \@IEEEtrantmpdimenA=\dimen138 \@IEEEtrantmpdimenB=\dimen139 \@IEEEtrantmpdimenC=\dimen140 \@IEEEtrantmpcountA=\count179 \@IEEEtrantmpcountB=\count180 \@IEEEtrantmpcountC=\count181 \@IEEEtrantmptoksA=\toks15 LaTeX Font Info: Trying to load font information for OT1+ptm on input line 5 03. 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Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf@ifprimitive is available. Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdfdraftmode found. ) Package epstopdf-base Info: Redefining graphics rule for `.eps' on input line 4 85. Package grfext Info: Graphics extension search list: (grfext) [.pdf,.jpeg,.png,.eps] (grfext) \AppendGraphicsExtensions on input line 504. (/usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/tex/latex/latexconfig/epstopdf-sys.cfg File: epstopdf-sys.cfg 2010/07/13 v1.3 Configuration of (r)epstopdf for TeX Liv e )) LaTeX Font Info: Calculating math sizes for size <11> on input line 398. LaTeX Font Info: Trying to load font information for U+msa on input line 398 . (/usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsfonts/umsa.fd File: umsa.fd 2013/01/14 v3.01 AMS symbols A ) LaTeX Font Info: Trying to load font information for U+msb on input line 398 . 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Underfull \hbox (badness 1354) in paragraph at lines 464--465 \OT1/ptm/m/n/10 be pos-si-ble, and prob-a-bly leads to bet-ter gen-er-al-iza-ti on [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 464--465 [] [1{/usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-var/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/} <./fig/to_save_images.png (PNG copy)>] Underfull \hbox (badness 2452) in paragraph at lines 466--467 \OT1/ptm/m/n/10 we first de-sign 3 syn-thetic bench-mark datasets, for a [] Underfull \hbox (badness 1371) in paragraph at lines 466--467 \OT1/ptm/m/n/10 [19] datasets, with-out any counter-examples. The na-ture [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 466--467 [] Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while \output is active [] [2 <./fig/archi_colorized.png>] [3] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 524--525 [] [4] File: fig/generated_samples.png Graphic file (type png) Package pdftex.def Info: fig/generated_samples.png used on input line 573. (pdftex.def) Requested size: 250.38434pt x 139.10347pt. LaTeX Warning: `!h' float specifier changed to `!ht'. Underfull \hbox (badness 1803) in paragraph at lines 625--626 \OT1/ptm/m/n/10 ac-cu-racy im-prove-ment over the pre-vi-ous works on our [] Underfull \hbox (badness 1675) in paragraph at lines 625--626 \OT1/ptm/m/n/10 short-cuts and the "hid-den" pat-terns are learned: if the [] Underfull \hbox (badness 1803) in paragraph at lines 625--626 \OT1/ptm/m/n/10 Dis-crep-an-cies be-tween orig-i-nal LfF re-sults and ours is [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 625--626 [] [5 <./fig/generated_samples.png>] Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while \output is active [] (./bare_conf.bbl [6]) [7] File: fig/LfF_label_noise.png Graphic file (type png) Package pdftex.def Info: fig/LfF_label_noise.png used on input line 850. (pdftex.def) Requested size: 227.62204pt x 148.3902pt. LaTeX Warning: `!h' float specifier changed to `!ht'. File: fig/expectation_ablation_samples.png Graphic file (type png) Package pdftex.def Info: fig/expectation_ablation_samples.png used on input li ne 865. (pdftex.def) Requested size: 233.3125pt x 115.50385pt. File: fig/entropy_ablation_samples.png Graphic file (type png) Package pdftex.def Info: fig/entropy_ablation_samples.png used on input line 8 75. (pdftex.def) Requested size: 512.1496pt x 142.64551pt. 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