Multiphase High-Velocity Gas Detected within 7 kpc Toward the M13 Globular Cluster
We present medium-resolution ultraviolet interstellar absorption measurements recorded with the HST-COS and FUSE spectrographs toward the post-AGB star Barnard 29 in the M13 globular cluster. Inspection of the UV spectra has revealed absorption at V˜-60 km s in the absorption profiles of the C I, C II, C, C IV, N I, N II, N V, O I, ALII, Si II, Si IV, S II and Fe II ions. This component can be associated with an intermediate-velocity cloud (IVC), previously identified by both radio and visible observations. More importantly, these data have newly revealed high-velocity absorption at V=-121±3 km s in the UV ions of C II, C III, C IV, N II, Si II, and Si IV. This absorption is thought to arise in a highly ionized, multiphase high-velocity cloud (HVC) located a distance of 0.46