Near-IR spectroscopy of asteroids 21 Lutetia, 89 Julia, 140 Siwa, 2181 Fogelin and 5480 (1989YK8), potential targets for the Rosetta mission; remote observations campaign on IRTF
In the frame of the international campaign to observe potential target asteroids for the Rosetta mission, remote observations have been carried out between Observatoire de Paris, in Meudon-France and the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility on Mauna Kea. The SpeX instrument was used in the 0.8-2.5 mum spectral region, for two observing runs in March and June 2003. This paper presents near-IR spectra of the asteroids 21 Lutetia, 89 Julia, 140 Siwa, 2181 Fogelin and 5480 (1989YK8). Near-IR spectra of the asteroids 21 Lutetia and 140 Siwa are flat and featureless. The spectrum of 89 Julia reveals absorption bands around 1 and 2 mum, which may indicate the presence of olivine and olivine-pyroxene mixtures and confirm the S-type designation. The small main-belt asteroids 2181 Fogelin and 5480 (1989YK8) are investigated spectroscopically for the first time. Near-IR spectra of these asteroids also show an absorption feature around 1 mum, which could be and indicator of igneous/metamorphic surface of the objects; new observations in visible as well as thermal albedo data are necessary to draw a reliable conclusion on the surface mineralogy of both asteroids.