Organic Matrix and Secondary Metabolites in Nacre - Archive ouverte HAL
Article Dans Une Revue Marine Biotechnology Année : 2022

Organic Matrix and Secondary Metabolites in Nacre


Nacre, also called mother-of-pearl, is a naturally occurring biomineral, largely studied by chemists, structural biologists, and physicists to understand its outstanding and diverse properties. Nacre is constituted of aragonite nanograins surrounded by organic matrix, and it has been established that the organic matrix is responsible for initiating and guiding the biomineralization process. The first challenge to study the organic matrix of nacre lays in its separation from the biomineral. Several extraction methods have been developed so far. They are categorized as either strong (e.g., decalcification) or soft (e.g., water, ethanol) and they allow specific extractions of targeted compounds. The structure of the nacreous organic matrix is complex, and it provides interesting clues to describe the mineralization process. Proteins, sugars, lipids, peptides, and other molecules have been identified and their role in mineralization investigated. Moreover, the organic matrix of nacre has shown interesting properties for human health. Several studies are investigating its activity on bone mineralization and its properties for skin care. In this review, we focus on the organic constituents, as lipids, sugars, and small metabolites which are less studied since present in small quantities.
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hal-03795731 , version 1 (05-09-2022)
hal-03795731 , version 2 (04-10-2022)




Capucine Jourdain de Muizon, Donata Iandolo, Dung Kim Nguyen, Ali Al-Mourabit, Marthe Rousseau. Organic Matrix and Secondary Metabolites in Nacre. Marine Biotechnology, 2022, 24, pp.831-842. ⟨10.1007/s10126-022-10145-9⟩. ⟨hal-03795731v2⟩
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