The self-gravitating gas in the presence of dark energy: Monte Carlo simulations and stability analysis
The self-gravitating gas in the presence of a positive cosmological constant Lambda is studied in thermal equilibrium by Monte Carlo simulations and by the mean field approach. We find excellent agreement between both approaches already for N=1000 particles on a volume V (the mean field is exact in the infinite N limit). The domain of stability of the gas is found to increase when the cosmological constant increases. The particle density is shown to be an increasing (decreasing) function of the distance when the dark energy dominates over self-gravity (and vice versa). We confirm the validity of the thermodynamic limit: N,V-->∞ with N/V and LambdaV fixed. In such dilute limit extensive thermodynamic quantities like energy, free energy, entropy turn to be proportional to N. We find that the gas is stable till the isothermal compressibility diverges. Beyond this point the gas becomes a extremely dense object whose properties are studied by Monte Carlo.