Spatiotemporal detection threshold of audio-tactile delays under conditions of active touch with and without a visual clue
Seuil de détection spatio-temporelle des retards audio-tactiles en conditions de toucher actif avec et sans indice visuel
Active touch (AT) is defined as the action of touching, implying voluntary, self-generated
movement. While much research has been conducted on multisensory interactions in
passive touch, research on how AT influences how the senses interact remains scarce.
Using a haptic surface (HS) based on ultrasonic vibrations, we investigated the
perception of synchronization of audio-tactile stimuli in AT. Tactile stimuli were delivered
upon sliding the finger over the tactile zone of the HS. Auditory stimuli (a white noise
burst) followed the tactile stimuli with a delay ranging from 0 to 700 ms. Participants
reported whether the two stimuli were perceived as coinciding in time or not. Two
conditions were employed for the discrimination task: (i) either with a visual clue showing
the location of the tactile zone on the screen; (ii) or with a black screen below the HS.
Time delays (ms) between the tactile-auditory inputs were converted in displacement
(mm), depending on the sliding velocity of the participant’s finger across the HS, to
calculate spatial distances at which the two stimuli were perceived as coinciding or not
with the same probability. The average distance was 5.87mm with visual cues and
5.63mm without a visual cue. No significant difference was found between the two visual
conditions suggesting performance is not affected by the presence of a visual cue
regarding the location of the tactile stimulus. Our results provide insights into the
sensitivity of participants in perceiving spatiotemporal differences between tactileauditory stimuli generated during AT exploration.
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