Design, development, and performance of the fibres of MOONS
The Multi-Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph (MOONS) will exploit the full 500 square arcmin field of view offered by the Nasmyth focus of the Very Large Telescope and will be equipped with two identical triple arm cryogenic spectrographs covering the wavelength range 0.64mum-1.8mum, with a multiplex capability of over 1000 fibres. Each spectrograph will produce spectra for 500 targets simultaneously, each with its own dedicated sky fibre for optimal sky subtraction. The system will have both a medium resolution (R 4000-6000) mode and a high resolution (R 20000) mode. The fibres are used to pick off each sub field of 1" and are used to transport the light from the instrument focal plane to the two spectrographs. Each fibre has a microlens to focus the beam into the fibre at a relative fast focal ratio of F/3.65 to reduce the Focal Ratio Degradation (FRD).