Principal components analysis of Jupiter VIMS spectra
Giancarlo Bellucci
Vittorio Formisano
E. d'Aversa
Robert H. Brown
Kevin H. Baines
Jean-Pierre Bibring
B. J. Buratti
Fabrizio Capaccioni
Priscilla Cerroni
Roger N. Clark
Angioletta Coradini
Dale P. Cruikshank
Pierre Drossart
(8, 9, 10)
Ralf Jaumann
Yves Langevin
Dennis L. Matson
Thomas B. Mccord
Vito Mennella
Robert M. Nelson
Philip D. Nicholson
Bruno Sicardy
(8, 9, 10)
Christophe Sotin
M. C. Chamberlain
Gary B. Hansen
K. Hibbitts
Mark R. Showalter
Gianrico Filacchione
Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario
2 LPL - Lunar and Planetary Laboratory [University of Arizona]
3 JPL - Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4 IAS - Institut d'astrophysique spatiale
5 IASF-Roma - Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica
6 USGS - US Geological Survey [Flagstaff]
7 SETI Institute, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field
8 Observatoire de Paris
9 LESIA - Laboratoire d'études spatiales et d'instrumentation en astrophysique
10 Pôle Planétologie du LESIA
11 Department of Planetary Exploration, DLR
12 Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington
13 INAF-OAC - INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte
14 Department of Astronomy, Cornell University
15 LPGN - Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géodynamique de Nantes [UMR 6112]
2 LPL - Lunar and Planetary Laboratory [University of Arizona]
3 JPL - Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4 IAS - Institut d'astrophysique spatiale
5 IASF-Roma - Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica
6 USGS - US Geological Survey [Flagstaff]
7 SETI Institute, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field
8 Observatoire de Paris
9 LESIA - Laboratoire d'études spatiales et d'instrumentation en astrophysique
10 Pôle Planétologie du LESIA
11 Department of Planetary Exploration, DLR
12 Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington
13 INAF-OAC - INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte
14 Department of Astronomy, Cornell University
15 LPGN - Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géodynamique de Nantes [UMR 6112]
During Cassini - Jupiter flyby occurred in December 2000, Visual-Infrared mapping spectrometer (VIMS) instrument took several image cubes of Jupiter at different phase angles and distances. We have analysed the spectral images acquired by the VIMS visual channel by means of a principal component analysis technique (PCA). The original data set consists of 96 spectral images in the 0.35-1.05 mum wavelength range. The product of the analysis are new PC bands, which contain all the spectral variance of the original data. These new components have been used to produce a map of Jupiter made of seven coherent spectral classes. The map confirms previously published work done on the Great Red Spot by using NIMS data. Some other new findings, presently under investigation, are presented.