The Vimos VLT Deep Survey. Stellar mass segregation and large-scale galaxy environment in the redshift range 0.2 < z < 1.4
Marco Scodeggio
D. Vergani
O. Cucciati
Angela Iovino
P. Franzetti
Bianca Garilli
Fabrice Lamareille
M. Bolzonella
L. Pozzetti
U. Abbas
(6, 7)
Christian Marinoni
Thierry Contini
D. Bottini
V. Le Brun
Olivier Le Fèvre
D. Maccagni
R. Scaramella
Laurence Tresse
G. Vettolani
A. Zanichelli
C. Adami
S. Arnouts
(10, 6)
Sandro Bardelli
A. Cappi
Stéphane Charlot
(11, 12)
Paolo Ciliegi
S. Foucaud
I. Gavignaud
L. Guzzo
Olivier Ilbert
Henry J. Mccracken
(11, 16)
B. Marano
A. Mazure
Baptiste Meneux
R. Merighi
S. Paltani
R. Pello
Agnieszka Pollo
M. Radovich
G. Zamorani
E. Zucca
M. Bondi
Angela Bongiorno
J. Brinchmann
Sylvain de la Torre
L. de Ravel
L. Gregorini
P. Memeo
E. Pérez-Montero
Yannick Mellier
(11, 16)
Sonia Temporin
C. Jakob Walcher
IASF-Milano -
Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica
2 UNIBO - Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna = University of Bologna
3 OAB - INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera
4 LATT - Laboratoire Astrophysique de Toulouse-Tarbes
5 OABO - INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna
6 LAM - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille
7 OATo - INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino
8 CPT - Centre de Physique Théorique - UMR 7332
9 IRA-INAF, Bologna
10 CFHT - Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corporation
11 IAP - Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
12 MPA - Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik
13 UON - University of Nottingham, UK
14 AIP - Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam
15 Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii
16 LERMA - Laboratoire d'Etude du Rayonnement et de la Matière en Astrophysique
17 MPE - Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestriche Physik
18 INTEGRAL Science Data Centre
19 The Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies
20 INAF-OAC - INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte
21 Universidade do Porto = University of Porto
22 Universität Innsbruck [Innsbruck]
2 UNIBO - Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna = University of Bologna
3 OAB - INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera
4 LATT - Laboratoire Astrophysique de Toulouse-Tarbes
5 OABO - INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna
6 LAM - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille
7 OATo - INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino
8 CPT - Centre de Physique Théorique - UMR 7332
9 IRA-INAF, Bologna
10 CFHT - Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corporation
11 IAP - Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
12 MPA - Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik
13 UON - University of Nottingham, UK
14 AIP - Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam
15 Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii
16 LERMA - Laboratoire d'Etude du Rayonnement et de la Matière en Astrophysique
17 MPE - Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestriche Physik
18 INTEGRAL Science Data Centre
19 The Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies
20 INAF-OAC - INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte
21 Universidade do Porto = University of Porto
22 Universität Innsbruck [Innsbruck]
Context: Hierarchical models of galaxy formation predict that the properties of a dark matter halo depend on the large-scale environment surrounding the halo. As a result of this correlation, we expect massive haloes to be present in larger number in overdense regions than in underdense ones. Given that a correlation exists between a galaxy stellar mass and the hosting dark matter halo mass, the segregation in dark matter halo mass should then result in a segregation in the distribution of stellar mass in the galaxy population.
Aims: In this work we study the distribution of galaxy stellar mass and rest-frame optical color as a function of the large-scale galaxy distribution using the VLT VIMOS Deep Survey sample, in order to verify the presence of segregation in the properties of the galaxy population.
Methods: We use VVDS redshift measurements and multi-band photometric data to derive estimates of the stellar mass, rest-frame optical color, and of the large-scale galaxy density, on a scale of approximately 8 Mpc, for a sample of 5619 galaxies in the redshift range 0.2
Aims: In this work we study the distribution of galaxy stellar mass and rest-frame optical color as a function of the large-scale galaxy distribution using the VLT VIMOS Deep Survey sample, in order to verify the presence of segregation in the properties of the galaxy population.
Methods: We use VVDS redshift measurements and multi-band photometric data to derive estimates of the stellar mass, rest-frame optical color, and of the large-scale galaxy density, on a scale of approximately 8 Mpc, for a sample of 5619 galaxies in the redshift range 0.2