A dialog on the fate of information in black hole evaporation
We present two alternative perspectives for the resolution of Hawking's information puzzle in black hole evaporation. The two views are deeply contrasting, yet they share several common aspects. One of them is the central role played by the existence of the interior singularity (whose physical relevance is implied by the singularity theorems of Penrose) that we expect to be replaced by a region described by a more fundamental quantum gravity formulation. Both views rely on the notion that the standard effective quantum field theoretic perspective would require some deep modifications. In this respect both of our scenarios are deeply influenced by ideas that Roger Penrose has advocated at various times and thus serves to illustrate the lasting influence that his deep thinking on these and related matters continues to have on the modern thinking about fundamental aspects of both quantum theory and gravitation. Despite that, there is of course no claim that R. Penrose would agree with any of the concrete proposals that will be discussed here.