The diversity and abundance of soft rot Pectobacteriaceae along the Durance River stream in the south-east of France revealed by multiple seasonal surveys
Although irrigation water is frequently assessed for the presence of plant pathogens, large spatial and temporal surveys that provide clues on the diversity and circulation of pathogens is missing. We evaluate the diversity of soft rot Pectobacteriaceae (SRP) of the genera Dickeya and Pectobacterium over two years in a temperate, mixed use watershed. The abundance of isolated strains correlates with the agricultural gradient along the watershed with a positive correlation found with temperature, nitrate and dissolved organic carbon water concentration. We characterized 582 strains by amplification and sequencing of the gapA gene. MLSA analysis performed with 3 housekeeping genes for 99 strains and core genome analysis of 38 sequenced strains confirmed for all the strains but one the taxonomic assignation obtained with the sole gapA sequence. Pectobacterium spp. (549 isolates) were far more abundant than Dickeya spp. (33 isolates). Dickeya spp. were only observed in the lower part of the river when water temperature was above 19°C and we experimentally confirmed a decreased fitness of several Dickeya spp. at 8°C in river water. D. oryzae dominates the Dickeya spp. P. versatile and P. aquaticum dominate the Pectobacterium spp. but their repartition along the watershed was different, P. versatile being the only species regularly recovered all along the watershed. Excepting P. versatile, Dickeya and Pectobacterium spp. responsible for disease outbreak on crops were less abundant or rarely detected. This work sheds light on the various ecological behaviours of different SRP in stream water and indicates that SRP occupation is geographically structured.
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