Journal Articles Energies Year : 2018

Voltage Balance Control Analysis of Three-Level Boost DC-DC Converters: Theoretical Analysis and DSP-Based Real Time Implementation

Driss Oulad-Abbou
  • Function : Author
  • PersonId : 1227568
  • IdRef : 255831609
Said Doubabi
  • Function : Author


In this paper, a step-by-step description to get a unique three-level boost DC-DC converter (TLBDC) (DCdirect current) small signal model is first presented and validated through simulations and experiments. This model allows for overcoming the usage of two sub-models as in the conventional modeling approach. Based on this model, voltage balance (VB) controllers are designed and VB control analysis is presented. Two VB controllers, namely Proportional Integral (PI) and Fuzzy, were analyzed when the VB control was applied on both TLBDC switches or only one. According to the obtained simulation and experimental results, the proposed model gives an accurate approximation in dynamic, small perturbations around an operating point and steady state modes. Moreover, it has been shown that VB is achieved in a reduced time when VB control is applied on both the TLBDC's switches. Furthermore, the Fuzzy controller performs better than PI controller for VB control.

Dates and versions

hal-03630415 , version 1 (05-04-2022)



Driss Oulad-Abbou, Said Doubabi, Ahmed Rachid. Voltage Balance Control Analysis of Three-Level Boost DC-DC Converters: Theoretical Analysis and DSP-Based Real Time Implementation. Energies, 2018, 11 (11), ⟨10.3390/en11113073⟩. ⟨hal-03630415⟩


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