The RPW/Search Coil Magnetometer onboard Solar Orbiter
Measuring the fluctuating magnetic fields associated to various phenomena such as waves, shocks, and turbulence is essential for the Solar Orbiter mission. These measurements rely on a tri-axial Search Coil Magnetometer (SCM) built at the Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l'Environnement et de l'Espace (LPC2E) in Orléans, France. Two antennas of SCM covers the 10Hz-50kHz frequency range, while the third antenna is a dual-band one that covers also the 1kHz-1MHz frequency range. The highest sensitivity is reached respectively at 3kHz and 10kHz for the low and high frequency channels, with a level of 10^-5 nT/sqrt(Hz). The SCM is allocated on the boom of the spacecraft and the LFR, TDS, and HFR analyzers of the RPW experiment will register and process its signal on-board. Extensive calibrations have been performed at RPW system level with both SCM and the analyzers ; the final calibration procedure depends on temperature, RPW configuration, and takes into account the signal received by all three magnetic antennas simultaneously.