Léo Malet, Le petit délinquant devenu parrain du polar
Léo Malet was an illegitimate child, an orphan who left school early, a man with an unstable work history,
an offender, and an anarchist tramp. He was confronted with social violence from birth, which led him to
become implicated in various revolutionary movements. He went to prison several times due to his political
affiliations and crimes that he committed.
Through his writing, he began to reinvent himself. He first expressed his anger through the Surrealist
movement, and then he turned to detective novels, toning his criminal fascination down to make it more
socially acceptable. The autobiographical elements in Nestor Burma’s adventures in particular show that
through the police investigation, the author seeks to find an identity as well as acknowledgement. The publication of his autobiography allowed him to complete his chore of re-establishing himself. It also made
him realize that his personality was threatened by a new ideological divide, due to his own political development
Enfant naturel, orphelin déscolarisé, travailleur précaire, petit délinquant, vagabond libertaire… dès
l’origine, Léo Malet est confronté à la violence sociale, ce qui l’amène à s’impliquer dans divers mouvements révolutionnaires. Ses délits d’opinion et de droit commun lui valent plusieurs incarcérations.
C’est par l’écriture que cet écorché vif tentera de se reconstruire. Sa révolte s’exprimera d’abord dans le
cadre du surréalisme, puis il se tournera vers le roman policier, canalisant sa fascination criminelle pour la
rendre socialement acceptable. La forte dimension autobiographique des aventures de Nestor Burma, notamment, montre qu’à travers la structure de l’enquête policière, c’est dans une quête d’identité et de légitimité que se lance l’auteur. La publication de son autobiographie lui permettra d’achever ce travail de reconstruction de soi. Mais elle sera aussi l’occasion pour lui de prendre conscience que sa personnalité est
menacée par l’apparition d’une nouvelle ligne de faille, idéologique, celle-ci, liée à son évolution politique