Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning Buffer Positioning Considering Carbon Emissions
Positionnement des buffers DDMRP en considérant les émissions carboniques
Firms are more and more interested in reducing the carbon footprint related to their activity. Their supply chain remains one of the main sources of carbon emissions. Better operational routines and planning adjustments have proven to be an effective way to reduce the carbon emissions but not enough. In this paper, the carbon footprint is taken into consideration in the Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP) strategic buffer positioning problem. The focus is put on the storing activities and transportation, for which a function was proposed to quantify the associated emissions. Two environmental regulations are simulated: carbon emissions tax and carbon emissions cap. These approaches have been implemented in a buffer positioning model with a cost minimization objective function. The resulting models were solved using CPLEX solver for multiple instances. The numerical results provide a better measurement of the buffer positioning impact on the carbon emissions. The observed sensibility of the problem to the environment parameters would give insights for further research work.
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