No Ward-Takahashi identity violation for Abelian tensorial group field theories with a closure constraint
This paper aims at investigating the nonperturbative functional renormalization group for tensorial group field theories with nontrivial kinetic action and closure constraint. We consider the quartic melonic just-renormalizable model and show that due to this closure constraint the first order Ward-Takahashi identity takes the trivial form as for the models with propagators proportional to identity. We then construct the new version of the effective vertex expansion applicable to this class of models, which in particular allows us to close the hierarchical structure of the flow equations in the melonic sector. As a consequence, there are no additional constraints on the flow equations, and then we can focus on the existence of the physical Wilson-Fisher fixed-points in the symmetric phase.
Mots clés
Renormalization group
group field theories
tensorial group field theories
tensor models
quantum gravity
random geometry
Ward-Takahashi identities
field theory: group
expansion: vertex
Ward-Takahashi identity
group: abelian
renormalization group: flow
fixed point
model: tensor