Design and characterization of optoelectronic oscillators and optical resonators
Optoelectronic oscillators [1, 2] represent a field of investigation that needs to be better defined. It is first necessary to build such oscillators from different elements. Then we must in particular being able to evaluate the performance in terms of phase noise of such oscillators. These oscillators can involve optical delay lines [3] or optical resonators [4] whose performance [5] must be evaluated and which must be characterized [6-10]. Here we present principles, then concrete examples with results. References: [1] Volyanskiy K. et al, "Compact Optoelectronic Microwave Oscillators using Ultra-High Q Whispering Gallery Mode Disk-Resonators and Phase Modulation," Optics Express 18(21), 22358-22363 (2010). [2] Salzenstein P., "Frequency and temperature control for complex system engineering in optoelectronics and electronics: an overview," Int. J. for Sim. and Mult. Design Optimization 11, 7 (2020). [3] Salzenstein P., Pavlyuchenko E., "Uncertainty Evaluation on a 10.52 GHz (5 dBm) Optoelectronic Oscillator Phase Noise Performance," Micromachines 12(5), 474 (2021). [4] Salzenstein P., "An example of design, optimization, stabilization and noise performances of resonator based optoelectronic oscillators," Int. J. for Sim. and Mult. Design Optimization 10, A2 (2019). [5] Henriet, R. et al, "High quality factor optical resonators," Physica Scripta T 162, 014032 (2014). [6] Salzenstein P. et al, "Optoectronic phase noise measurement system with wideband analysis", Proc. SPIE 8439, 84391M (2012). [7] Pavlyuchenko E., Salzenstein, P., "Application of modern method of calculating uncertainty to microwaves and opto-electronics," Laser Optics, 2014 International Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 30 2014-July 4 (2014). [8] Salzenstein P. et al, "Estimation of the uncertainty for a phase noise optoelectronic metrology system," Physica Scripta T 149, 014025 (2012). [9] Salzenstein P., Pavlyuchenko E., " Modern approach for estimating uncertainty of a precision optoelectronic phase noise measurement," 2013 International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL), Sudak, Ukraine, pp 340 - 341 (2013). [10] Pavlyuchenko E., Salzenstein P. Low uncertainty determined by modern approach for high precision optoelectronic phase noise measurements. ICONO/LAT:2013, Jun 2013, Moscow, Russia.