La densification normative du fait du juge administratif
The strengthening of the rules imposed on the Administration comes not only from texts. It is also the work of the administrative judge. This occurs when the judge creates a new rule or interprets an existing rule. But it also occurs when the judge augments his control over the actions of the Administration inasmuch as this strengthening of the control limits the freedom of the Administration by overseeing its action. Normative densification then appears, not through the intervention of an authority normally empowered to create legal norms (legislator, regulatory authority) but as a result of an authority that is supposed to apply existing law. This normative densification thus takes place in the opposite way to what is most often observed, since it comes from the bottom rather than the top.
Le renforcement des règles s’imposant à l’Administration ne provient pas seulement des textes. Il est aussi l’oeuvre du juge administratif. Il en va ainsi lorsque le juge créé une règle nouvelle ou interprète une règle existante. Mais il en va également de même lorsque le juge renforce son contrôle sur les actes de l’Administration dans la mesure où cet approfondissement du contrôle limite la liberté de l’Administration en encadrant son action.