Ensino, pesquisa e extensão universitaria sobre a otica do design para inovação social
This article presents the report of a research carried out during the postdoctoral program, which focused on the peda-gogical practices used for teaching Design for Social Innovation, with the objective of structuring the course of Ecosocial Design, a class to be taught to undergraduate college students majoring in Design in Brazil. To develop the search in this period, it was initiated a reflection on the creation and application of the Postgraduate Program in Design at the School of Fine Arts of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The research method was based on the combination of the intrinsic and extrinsic aspects of the intermediate objects that are need to the creation of this Program with the ped-agogical instruments developed during its organization, and the potential of these instruments to participate associ-atively in the creation of new Graduate Programs in Brazil. It was determined that the preservation of the autonomy of the knowledge accrued in different contexts, according to the principle of individuation of the Intermediate Objects of Conception, is potentially capable of reducing territorial inequalities by strengthening their associations, and thus performing a coordinating role of associative forms.